• I choose to read To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee instead of my DREAM BOOK, A Song for you by Robyn crawford.

    I want to read Robyn’s Memoir so bad…🤧. But it looks like the most interesting thing in my life right now🤧🤧🤧. I want to preserve it, save it, own it, box it and importantly, love it with all my heart ♥. I will read 📖 it next 😔.

    Before I start any review, I must state that;

    Such persons as Atticus does not exist. This character is much too perfect. Even George isn’t this calm and collected and sweet and less angry 😡. My hubby George has been picking on me for a while, making me angry and getting angry at me. I am no longer on speaking terms with him. I am keeping malice 😾.

    Mrs. Dubose; a fowl-mouthed woman who enjoys throwing insults, even after her death, Atticus had kind words to give. How can someone be so selfless and kind?

    I’ve heard a great deal about this book, to Kill a Mockingbird. Reading 📖, Kathryn Stockett’s The Help Aibileen requested for To Kill a Mockingbird from Ms Skeeter. It was banned at Black libraries and illegal for Blacks to read 📖.

    That aroused my interest to read 📖 it.

    I faltered in the first chapter of To Kill a Mockingbird 🤦🏾‍♀️. On Mother Nature, I was uninterested as fuck.

    Googling here and there for an idea on what the book was about to charge my interest.
    Then I encountered a ray of hope, Harper Lee was a womxn😅.

    Towards the end of chapter one, I received another revelation, the narrator was a female 😅. 

    Harper Lee is also humorous in her writing ☺️. These were building steps.

    I am glad, I and Mockingbird begun getting along just fine🤝🏾.

    Miss Caroline telling the narrator (whose name we are not then sure of but guessed then was Jeane) to stop writing because it isn’t expected of first graders to write till they get to third grade is a semblance of our society towards the upbringing of a human. We teach our children obedience instead of curiosity. We forced children to conform, follow the crowd instead to form thoughts for themselves.

    Miss Muadie through chastening of the footwashing Baptists made me realised, Religion is a strong shield for women hate game. This is a reason why I can never be religious. Even Janism and Wicca which I was told are the most Liberal and tolerant religion for womxn, during my research on Wiccan I discovered out of the three deities (two gods and a goddess), the male are the most dominant. How can a he be the supreme being of witchcraft?? Nonsense. I didn’t need to research about Jainism to know their figurehead was male.

    In teens, when the sense of belonging overrules your individuality. You craving to belong somewhere, to be part of something bigger than you. The feeling of loneliness roars deep and you wish to belong. I had a cousin whom I followed along with his friends, we were all supposed to go somewhere. But he stopped, and asked I go back. This journey was for the ‘boys’. Some of the boys didn’t agree with his decision but I was a girl and his relative so… that incident still stuck by me.

    I get excited by those who stand up for the right things regardless how hard it might be. Standing up for just against friends and foe, publicly declaring your stand to things. May I get to do what’s right even if it doesn’t favour me 🙏🏾.

    Why reasonable people go stark raving mad when anything involving a Negro comes up, is something I don’t pretend to understand…

    Why reasonable people go stark raving mad when anything involving gender equality comes up, is something I don’t pretend to understand… I draw analogy from racism to gender. People believe men are superior to womxn. People believe whites are superior to blacks.

    If clergymen don’t preach misogyny, services won’t hold that day. Was Harper Lee a man, she won’t have pointed this out. Men are perfect in the eyes of men 🙂.  That’s why I believe that male writers are good for and should be read by men.

    I got to the part of the court case in To Kill a Mockingbird and honestly, I was not impressed 😏. 

    Tom Robinson doesn’t have one iota of sense in his head. Na coconut dey im head. How can you go in to help a white girl whom you have been acquainted with for over a year, ALONE inside a room? How can you remain comfortable after she had told you, she sent the children away to buy ice-cream and she saved money up for the reason? How can you NOT be alarmed after the door she claimed to be faulty was just fine?

    This is the difference between being female and being male.

    Rape, sexual abuse is wom101, you are taught from birth as a female.

    As soon as a man calls you in, to his compound which suddenly is alone and he informs you, he sent everyone away, the singing song that goes into your head is… AWAY. You RUN!!!

    Men do not suffer sexual abuse the way womxn do because men are mostly, 99.9% the abusers, the rapists. Even a day old and months old female babies aren’t spared by these people.

    So I am not surprised Tom Robinson could relax around Mayella without reading the room.

    My favourite character in the book is the narrator, Jean Louise (Scout). Unlike her father, Atticus whom Ewell could approach, spit on his face, threatened to kill him, curse him with vulgar names and try to engage him in a fight. Only for him to end it up “Too proud to fight, you nigger-lovin‘ bastard?” With “No, too old,” put his hands in his pockets and gaited away.

    Scout fought. My favourite parts are where her brother threatened to spank her if she continued to trouble Aunt Alexandra, she immediately rushed him and they fought. Even after he punched her hard at the belly, she continued still fighting him until their father separated them.

    And also, the scene she defiantly told her brother, Jem and Reverend Sykes “ _I most certainly do, I c’n understand anything you can._”  when he pointed out that she doesn’t understand the case that was going on in court. She was only 8 years old.

    Reminds me of my younger sister who is going to 8 by May and stopped attending meetings of Jehovah’s witness because she hates it.

    I hate movies. Here’s the movie telling us a totally different story from what the  book stated about the narrator’s first time meeting Mr Arthur ‘Boo’ Radley just like they desecrated Alice Walker’s masterpiece *The Colour purple* . Movies are for enjoyment, books are for reflection. I prefer books 📚. Anytime. I’d be watching the 1900s movie of to kill a Mockingbird though. Also that of the colour purple. Recent movies are too fake for my liking. To good books 🍸, may we always find them to read them.

    One of the reviews in current book 📙, Falconer by John Cheever stated that 20-30 minutes into reading 📖, the reader would be overwhelmed. I’ve read for over an hour, and I am yet to find anything fascinating or captivating. The picture is taken at my stand where I sat, cross-legged and forcing myself to read 📖 the trash.

  • I like this book, Tomorrow Died Yesterday 📙 because of its intense use of Port Harcourt slangs. Coming from Port Harcourt, it felt like home. I kept getting lost and lost with the mention of the food and Port Harcourt cities🥺🥺🥺. Awwwnnn… I miss Ph😞😓.

    The writer Chimeka GARRICKS, who is also the author of Broken People’s Playlist made good use of Port Harcourt food and Niger Delta struggle. However, I felt it a bit amateurish. Me Goddess, I have never published a book 📙 before yet see me condemning a renowned Irish born author🤦🏾‍♀️. That’s my problem, I don’t know my mate. I now understand why Crush shushes me so I can know my mates and hangout with people of my level😎. Seriously, the book was a bit amateurish and I thought the author was like me or someone my ‘mate’😁, who believes in god, lives in Port Harcourt or had lived in PH, compiled the book into pdf and…sold⚒️! Aluta continua. But he is the author of Broken People’s Playlist, a very popular book 📙. Born in Dublin, an avid reader. So why write like an average Nigerian mind🤔?

    I googled Chimeka GARRICKS and I found that he and I had read almost the same kind of books 📚, growing up.

    Books he read growing up

    His collection of books looked like my collection of books 📚. Chike and the River, The adventures of Tom Sawyer, Treasure Island, Burning Grass, African Series, The Concubine etc. Oh good old days with a fuckton (Akwaeke Emezi done teach me new fuck word😁) of good books 📚 which were written with heterosexual characters. The difference between him and I were, I have never travelled outside Rivers State, also I had no parent who built me a library nor interested in me reading😒. My reading 📖 to them was to avoid work☹️. A product of laziness😎.

    He was also an avid reader like I am, so how come? How manage he gets to pull Nigerian movie script to such an awesome storyline? There were scenes I had paused for a minute to roll my eyes🙄 before I continued 😶. I mean, not everyone who smokes weed is a criminal. And not every heathen home is a dysfunctional family. Such mindset sef😒💅🏿.

    Doye wasn’t a villain.

  • I am going to write a review of Alice Walker’s book, possessing the secrets of Joy because I am horny. When horny, if you cannot fuck, you talk about fuck. I am high!

    I am high from my own ovulation. Woah! It feels good to be this high!!

    So yes, to our review. If you are a child, this review isn’t for you. I had a twin viewing my status through their mama’s phone. I know which one of them. The smart one. The one reserved and quiet and not interested in anything. I know because the questions asked are far above a child of an average mind.

    You don’t have to be less than 18 to be a child. 30+ can be children. What am I talking about? This isn’t the review!

    Alice Walker in her book, didn’t talk about sex in a way but it did centred on sexual liberation. And female circumcision. Imagine enjoying every inch of your body and having rapturous orgasms, constantly, every day of your life, or most days of your life. Being female, sexually liberated, and orgasmically enlightened.

    Since I read the book, masturbation has become intense and I became a scholar of finding sexual pleasure. As an upcoming sex professor, I discovered my form of masturbation had a name. Masturbation were in types? I found out.

    But I can better my DIY skills? How can my masturbation be better? I bought out my sex toy, even I had forgotten I had and itself had forgotten its use. The girl who forced me to buy it then never knew I bought it. When she asked, I told her I had no money for it. Through the book and the movie, Sex Ed, I learnt it was a receiver. But I was a stud, or rather people addressed me as a stud. And studs don’t get touched. Your hands? Keep off! They are givers and active partners. I am a receiver. I want to lie down lazily and allow my partner do the work. I just want to feel good, receive, receive, and receive. I want my fingers sucked, I want to feel every sensation from my fingers. I want my feet massaged and my toes sucked. I want a sex slave. Because I want every part of me licked. Sucked. Bitten!

    I want to scream.

    Fuck, what am I doing? Aren’t we supposed to be talking about Alice Walker’s possessing the secrets of joy?

    Wait a minute! What else could be the secret of joy if not a good fuck and a delicious, mouth-watering plate of food? I prefer Chinese 😉. Possessing good food. Good sex. Is the secret of joy🤭. Life’s good.

    Book never start, Alice Walker don dey shake table. Then the movie I am watching, Reboot. Everything in this world wants me to fly.

    Alice Walker hasn’t even lifted pen but she has begun breaking tables. I love Alice Walker. Her books excite me like one that won a billion-dollar lottery and cashing out inside the book.

    If no be say, you read this one. Body sweet you, you read the other one, the thing sweet you. I would have proclaimed Alice Walker as my best writer. I have never been this happy in life except when I read Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologue. I wish we could host that play in Nigeria. Vagina Monologue if my vagina could speak…

    I wrote to them and sadly, there was no response. I wanted that play to be in Nigeria like it was in other countries. My Australian friend confirmed watching it. I wanted to experience it too. If my vagina could be anything, she would be a tigress.

    Walker mentioned Simone de Beauvoir’s book, Second Sex and the impact it has made to the feminist world.

    Second Sex will always be adored by feminists everywhere around the world. Thank you, France 🇫🇷 for giving us Simone de Beauvoir. She’s a remarkably strong womxn. Her book 📙, The Second Sex changed my life forever.

    In Possessing the Secrets of Joy, Alice had written,

    my uncircumcised vagina was thought to be a monstrosity.
    They laughed at me. Jeered at me for having a tail…”
    Some womxn undergo infibulation from bandages.

    Some things sound wrong to your ears 👂🏾 , but they aren’t exactly wrong. They aren’t wrong. Societal norms and programming make the right things seem selfish. Totally wrong. Demonic. You are not right because you take it so. Some things acceptable by our society are wrong in totality and in the eyes of everyone who sees the future from here 🔮. Whenever you hear new facts, my friend, do not be first to condemn. Listen 👂🏾. Take it in. Absorb. Think further about it. Discern it. Place it down in the fury furnace. Let it burn off or come out gold. Importantly, accept everybody’s facts. It is their consciousness. It is their truth. Yes, it may not be true, but it is their truth. Teach only, when they ask you to. There is no right and wrong, the world is from your personal perspective. This is solipsism😁!

    Time for we, daughters to change the narratives! Our mothers might have collaborated with men to our dominance, but we are a strong 💪🏾 force, a raging earthquake with 9.7 magnitude. We will destroy, pull off, scatter, and break down every iota of the patriarchal system. We are womxn and we are a burning furnace!

    Reading 📖 Alice Walker is like reading new facts and new theories. Things sound strange and weird but having trues if properly understood. After reading this book, I don’t think I will circumcise my sons if I have any. I’ll let them grow up to choose to do so if they wish, without external push and with their minds free of the norms. If the prepuce were to be removed, it wouldn’t have existed in the first place. Yeah, so to me, male circumcision is another form of child abuse.

    Also, I am a scholar in school of sexual pleasure!

  • Nice plot but the acting and drama was nah. How can can a defence lawyer in court defending his son ask him,

    Are you a god loving man?

    The strong religious presence in the movie is overwhelming. What the fuck? There was a scene where a TV presenter said, dear Christians and Muslims?

    Hey… what about us atheists? Are we non existential?

    The storyline was wasted on …. that movie could have been bad ass enough for an Oscar.

    Canal street is a movie on a black boy Kholi Styles accused of killing a white boy because he was lying beside the body, calling for help. Brian Sundermil, the murder kid was later discovered to have died by the hands of his girlfriend who shot him because he didn’t love her enough to quit school for them to raise a baby.

    Like I previously stated, the movie had a great plot and storyline, but wack. It scenes were written based on emotions than proper facts.

  • Ammu Review

    There’s this indian movie I am watching, Ammu. Having watched Indian movies where the heroine is a feminist, an atheist, a writer, loves drinking and men☻️. Cooking and housechores wasn’t her thing as a writer. She had a maid and her mother in law who did those stuff.

    But her husband’s mother wasn’t happy. She would scream at her son all day for supporting his wife’s writing carrer. She hated that her daughter in law would lock herself all day inside her room, writing. She didn’t bother about her children or anything else. The only thing she was interested in, was writing.

    In a fist of anger one day, the heroine shouted at her mother in law for disturbing the peace of the house. She was writing. The response led to her leaving her husband, who followed her begging she forgave his mother.

    A year after living with her children and boyfriends, she changed their surname to hers. Sadly, one of her lovers raped and abused her daughter under her roof and without her knowledge. Her daughter hated her till her death.

    Which type of Indian movie wey I never watch?

    Is it Biryani? A movie named after a type of Indian jollof rice 🍚 called biryani? A story centred on womxn’s emancipation and degradation. How men’s choices affect womxn directly and indirectly. Because of her brother’s misdeeds abi false accusations, the heroine was thrown out of the Mosque 🕌. Threw out of her matrimonial home, an abusive one so that one wasn’t actually a loss. It was good riddance! She was rejected by her villagers. She became a prostitute after her mum died. Slept with every man as they came. Police officers would take bribes from the men she had sex with and fucked her in exchange (no apologies, I like the word ‘fuck’ these days. It is more arousing).

    Even when she repented from her ways and stayed with an old man who was been kind. Some police officers abused her and raped her, she lost her baby. She became angry and threw a party, a memorial for her brother, mother and father. She invited all the rich and powerful people including her ex-husband. Cooking biryani, the festive food, she fried her baby’s corpse and her feces to the meal. Payment to an unjust society!

    There’s another I watched the girl’s father refused her getting married. He believed marriage for womxn were senseless and stupid. She had a boyfriend, or rather a sex mate whom her father knew about and whenever she went on dates, he would call and call and call making her leave the date. During a matchmaking, he would inform the man involved that his daughter wasn’t a virgin. She was annoying and difficult as he was. He would wake up one morning and decide to travel guess who will accompany him? His daughter. She would have to leave work.

    She was in her 30s and lived with her father. She was arrogant and demanding like her father. Quick to speak her mind, she would shout and shout at her Dad most days. Both of them would quarrel and quarrel. But she loved her father to death as much as he loved her. She was his personal doctor although she was an architect. Lol.

    Watching this movie, Ammu. I thought it would be a feminist movie. I don’t download movies unless a womxn’s picture is in front. A man and womxn? Never! Two womxn? Yes! A womxn? Yes! Two men? Goddess forbid!

    I was observing the storyline until her husband called her the noon after the day she had brought him lunch. Why hadn’t she brought his food? Didn’t she know she was to bring him food? Why was she late? She lied that she was still cooking.

    Later on, after much interrogation she confessed that she hadn’t thought of bringing him lunch. Bring him lunch the previous day, was just a thing.

    He was furious and didn’t touch her food even when he got home, he refused dinner amidst all her plead. He denied her sex that night and shouted at her when she insisted.

    During a celebration at his workplace, he announced that he wasn’t blessed with a good wife. She calmly told him, she didn’t like him talking about her in front of his colleagues. She asked him a question, he ignored it and told her to walk home. He drove off.

    She confronted him about the incident as she arrived home, he told her next time he won’t let her into the house. When she replied him that the next time, she won’t be returning home, he stoned her a plate, containing his meal. Aback by her husband’s behaviour, he offered to cook her dinner and clean the house.

    He even gave her parents cheque and cooked lunch for them all. He overheard her discussing with her mum that she married too early (at 25), instead she preferred living with mummy.

    The husband was upset that he ate his lunch on the dinning table instead of his favourite spot, the couch 🛋. She pleaded with him about her parents visiting them for the first time and wanting to eat with him. He asked her to leave the house with her parents, because she pleaded he shouldn’t leave home as her parents were inside. Enraged at she collected his motorbike key, he slapped her.

    Again, he followed her and began pleading. After the incident, he threw her his food, I knew the movie was something. The reason why the movie’s name was same as the heroine’s name, Ammu.

    After hitting her, he offered her parents ice-cream and took them to the temple. While the men went to wash their legs, she told her mum about the slap. Her mum speechless, told her what her own mother told her when her Dad hit her.
    Men hit their wives. You will not be the first person to go through that. And you will not be the last. You will likely go through it again. Men are entitled to anger. Because they go to work. They lead stressful lives. Where else can they take out their frustration? They can only take it out on us. If you want his love, you must bear the pain that comes with it. The only solution to your problems, is a child.

    You now understand what Alice Walker meant about mothers’ collaborating with men? “…We are the perfect audience mesmerized by our unconscious knowledge of what men, with the collaboration of our mothers, do to us. ….”

    Kia! This Gen Z. We will not be quiet 🤫!

    The next hitting was with a belt. I think I learned from the beggar who said he would give her a piece of advice if she bought him food. Any time, somebody brings such complains to my table, I will say, ‘buy me food first. So I can hear you properly and I will give you advice.’ After buying me food then I will only listen and ask questions, showing pity while enjoying my food. After chopping the food finish, I reply, ‘hmmm this life, wahala dey ooooo.’ If you fit shook hand inside my belle comot the food, comot am.

    Because why? You already know the solution to your problems. No be for my mouth you go hear sey foul nyash red.

    At work, a junior colleague’s wife became pregnant, the husband began, operation you must get pregnant. The doctor gave them days that they can have sex. She secretly met the doctor to assist her because she wasn’t ready to be pregnant. Doctor placed her on contraceptive pills, she took without her husband’s knowing. The same time, saving up money inside a bucket of rice.

    She got pregnant. And thought of aborting it. The doctor told her husband who had swapped the contraceptives with placebos and also bugged the house that Ammu wasn’t pregnant and due to hormonal imbalance missed her period.

    Ammu confessed about her abuse to the local vigilante volunteer and an officer, junior to her husband.

    Finally, her husband was arrested the second time of course. In front of his boss, a DIG. She narrated her husband’s abuse. She later went back to the beggar at the train station 🚉 with Biryani. One day, I go taste that biryani, I need to know how tasty it is.

    A picture of biryani, I cannot wait to visit an India restaurant.

    The movie, Ammu might not be as interesting as most movies but it was educational. Womxn who are abused can only leave their abusive partners when they themselves decide to go. Not by the advises of others.

  • After completing Anne Frank’s diary, I could have boldly beaten my chest and even in crowd confidently say, “the book is exaggerated. Overhyped!”

    There’s nothing special for it to be so uniquely popular. Sadly the rich people always gets it.

    When I heard the book Diary of a Young Girl was a narration of a Jew during the world war. Wow. A first hand narrative experience of world war 2. I watched this movie, a boy in a strip clothes. I cried and cried and cried. So I expected the diary to invoke such emotions after the first few chapters.

    I was hoping for a book on a verse topic on the war. A book discussing extensively by a person at the forefront of the second world war. Why should such a pick centred on wealth lives of the rich be picked? I felt no suffering. I had no emotion. Instead of an emotional,…. of the war, I read rich people’s hiding and problems the encounter. They even afford a cleaning lady and plumber to fix their leaking toilet. People in hiding! Giving gifts and celebrating birthdays. Where in the world can a poor person get Springer’s five-volume art history book, a set of underwear, two belts, a handkerchief, two jars of yogurt, a jar of jam, two honey cookies (small), a botany book from Father and Mother, a gold bracelet from Margot, a sticker album from the van Daans, Biomalt and sweet peas from Dussel, candy from Miep, candy and notebooks from Bep, and the high point: the book Maria Theresa and three slices of full-cream cheese from Mr. Kugler. Peter gave me a lovely bouquet of peonies; in a war that has lasted years!! They even bake cakes for their birthdays. I can’t fathom HOW possible that is. I can understand studying, buying books or reading books during a war of which some people won’t understand because money for food you carry am buy book. You dey craze ney?

    How possible can people celebrate birthdays and exchange gifts? Where will you find the money for those gifts? Where would you buy the gifts?

    We weren’t told when America joined the war. We only knew of British and America displaying their might in June 27 1944.
    Through the book I get to know about another book Soldiers on the Home Front which I hope to read soon.

    There’s only one rule you need to remember: laugh at everything and forget everybody else!

    After learning how the people in the annex lost their lives, I cried. Chai🙆🏽‍♀️!! Germany!! In less than six months Anne penned her last thoughts, precisely 1st August 1944, by 4th August 1944, they were arrested. She and every member of the annex except for the father died. Either as a result of malnutrition like her mother or gassed like Van Daan or from the typhus epidemic.

  • The instant I saw Prince Henry, I thought it was Simon from the movie; Love, Simon. I corrected my mistakes by the use of Google. Henry was in Purple heart. A movie he acted as a soldier who married a diabetic patient for the financial benefits while she receives free treatment.

    So I read up a review on the movie; red white and royal blue. A movie premiere in August 11. The review mentioned how ‘boringly gay’ the movie is. Before watching the movie, my head had been boom! boom!! boom!!! About the movie and I couldn’t help wanting to research everything on it. Yeah, the movie surely is boring.

    In 25mins 18secs on it and my eyes were heavy as I felt sick and so sleepy. I needed to sleep and rest to prepare for the next day.

    UK movies have it for me. I wonder how to switch to only watch UK movies. I watched the movie, Sex Education which included everyone including Nigerians. There were gay people in that movie as part of the main casts. Weirdos and ‘strange’ people were seen and noted. Eric was a Nigerian who was gay. They also showed us how Nigerian homosexuals lived lives hiding to love.

    Then I watched Pretty Red Dress. Another UK movie. Again, gay people also had the limelight. Deviants were seen and noted. It showed how exposed and accepting UK movie kinda is. Here, I am watching Red white and royal blue. I cannot tell if Red White and Royal Blue is UK or American movie, anyways.

    Red white and royal blue is a movie which reveals to us what it will be like if the sons of the leaders of the most powerful nations of the world are in a relationship. Female prime minister of UK and a female president of USA with a bisexual son. What if the most powerful country are ruled by womxn? The future of our dream. Yeah?

    Alex the son of the president of USA and Prince Henry, the royal family of England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 in love.

    The first time, Henry kissed Alex, I anticipated some kind resistance from the latter. That kiss was unexpected! But knowing, Alex had hooked up with one or two men himself, it didn’t sound that intriguing. Come on, this is a member of the Royal family kissing you.

    Those clowns in Nigeria wanting to beat and burn up gay men would drool and subconsciously pull down their knickers if Prince Harry (of Meghan) kissed them.

    “Please be patient with me, when they write the story of my life, I want it to include you and my love for you.” I think that’s what inspired the movie.

  • I wonder if the Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank is worth me reading. Had she been a black poor girl would her diary be this popular?

    I know the holocaust was horrible and I condemn in entirety the maltreatment of any kind including those of parents to kids and houseowner to housemaid etc. I am scared of having kids or living with someone because of maltreatment and injustice (I can’t be around people. I just can’t stand them). We are humans and as humans (especially Nigerians raised in a harsh and toxic environment), once we are in a position of power, we tend to be egotistical, abusive, and oppressive to the lower party.


    Just that but

    Weren’t black soldiers treated worse than captured German soldiers? The so-called saviours of the oppressed, oppressing a race for their skin colour! In a war, that had absolutely no value to them. It was none of our concern as the continent, Africa. Yet, we were cruelly treated, and seen as monkeys for our black skins for a war that does not concern us.

    Were it only Africans used for Adolf Hitler’s insanely experiment in the holocaust would it lead to a world war? Would the whites join us to rescue us? Would the Jews be benevolent enough to participate in a war or even read one of our diaries?

    The more I study this book, the more immersed in thoughts, I am. I watched a Psych2go video this morning addressing personalities according to them, a behaviourist and HR specialist Patrick Bet-David developed a typology of personality STAR (structure-oriented, Task-oriented, Action-oriented, and Relationship-oriented) to understand the unique traits and characteristics of those around you. I identified with the T of the STAR. We have an insatiable curiosity to learn and understand the world. And we hate doing tedious and repetitive tasks😜, as much as small talks. We prefer to be lost in our own minds because of how rich and complex our inner world is😇☺️. So… enough of the boasting, I know I am all these and more.

    I am probably upset that I am missing the love that Alice Walker would have showered me. The euphoria, the ecstasy, the joy, oh my great love, Alice Walker 🥰🥰. Here I am reading a secret diary of a 14-year-old rich white girl. How more boring can my life get??

  • If there’s a movie that I am glad to have watched, it is the movie, Pretty Red Dress.

    When I first saw the movie on the recommended list, I thought is it worth it? Is it not some stereotypical storyline centred on a man and a womxn that will bore me to death? I selected it hoping for a difference.

    I noticed something from the beginning, it was from BBC films. I’ve never seen a movie by them. So it was kinda thrilling, knowing what BBC is doing for Nigeria, especially after EndSARS.

    I love the movie, Pretty Red Dress. It is a must-watch for those trying to see a difference in movies.

    After watching Sex Ed and now this, it is a UK movie for me.

    The movie is centred on a man, Travis who gets out of jail and buys a pretty red dress for his wife. She auditions as Tina Turner in the dress and gets it.

    Travis would wear the dress whenever nobody was home. The first time he wore the dress, his daughter came home, and he quickly changed from dress to trousers. She saw the lipstick on him which he tried to wipe off.

    Later on, he tries on the dress again, makes up, and wears a wig. Cat walking and twerking, as his family were driving home. His wife had been called to pick up their daughter, Nish. She had chased down a fellow student who fell and hurt herself.

    The day I watched the movie, I had just read the part of Mira Kirshenbaum’s book, Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay, on bottom lines, where a womxn walks home to find her husband wearing her dress.

    Pretty red dress is about a man repressed by societal norms, wanting to fit in, he lies to his wife and daughter.
    I like movies that portray differences. I am happy to have watched it.

    They believed him.

    Boom. He did it again and this time he tore it trying to put it on. Unable to fix it, he went to his daughter’s school to bribe her to take responsibility for the torn red dress. The wife in a bot of fury charged him to be a liar.

    The daughter did not only accept blame for the dress, she also walked away when Candice her mother accused her of damaging her red dress on purpose.

    During lovemaking, Candice gave Travis her clothes, that same red dress to wear. I’d totally marry a man who wears dresses and makeup too.

    Later on, his wife felt distant and told him it was a one-time thing that would never happen again.

    He wears his wife’s undies to work and his brother, his boss noticed it and told him it wasn’t normal for a man to wear ladies’ knickers. There we learnt he wore ‘female’ undies as a child.

    Travis is a man who failed to accept himself even when his wife asked him if he was born in the wrong body, he denies it. And lies about wearing her dress as a one-time thing, he did ONCE to prank her. He also lies to his daughter who had seen him on makeup before. Okay so, Travis isn’t gay. He wasn’t transgender neither. He was a man, who loved to look pretty sometimes.

    Some masculine men like being pretty sometimes and that’s okay.

  • That the way it spose to be. I know that. But if that so, why my heart hurt so much?

    That the way it spose to be. I know that. A man loving a woman and a woman loving a man. But why can’t I stop staring at her?

    That the way it spose to be. I know that. A husband staring his wife, and a wife staring her husband. Why do I burn when she stares at him? Why do I feel this jealous?

    Why do I care so much bout her too much? That the way it spose to be. A man and a womxn. I know that. Why am I anormal?

    Inspired by Alice Walker; the color purple

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